FHS 13: Healthy Mind and Body ft Ashley Poptodorova

Don’t ignore your body! Your healthy mind and body is what helps keep your business growing. Too many people think that in order to reach success, you have to work like a machine. Burning the midnight oil is the quickest way to burning out. In this episode, I chat with Fitness Coach Ashley Poptodorova about the importance of taking care of your body and mind as well as tips on getting started the easy way.

FHS 12: Freelancing and Building a Game Studio ft Adam Saltsman

Adam Saltsman and I chat about his journey from freelancing to building a successful game studio. We talk about what some of his first gigs where to slowly building upon his experience and always looking for the next challenge. Networking, understanding and learning when to spot opportunities, and finding your stride is always an ongoing endeavor. Building a game studio (or freelancing/entrepreneur career) wont happen overnight. Perseverance, learning from your mistakes, and finding your niche will put you on top!