FHS 28 The Importance of UI/UX ft Matt Rix

A product can look polished and pretty but fall flat when it comes to usability. The same can be the opposite; a dull looking app but does everything you ever want or need. Finding that nice middle ground and having a good UI/UX person on your team can really shift the outcome of your product. I chat with Matt Rix about the importance and usability of UI and UX.

FHS 27 Gotchas of Freelancing and Consulting

I don’t want to talk about Freelancing and Consulting without talking about the gotchas of Freelancing and Consulting. Its not all rose colored glasses and sailing off into the sunset. Working for yourself takes a lot of hard work and dedication that some people may ignore. So if you’re reading tons of blog posts of the happy and fun and great sides of working for yourself, you may be overlooking the downside all together….