FHS 20 Freelancer vs Contractor vs Consultant vs Entrepreneur ft. Daria + Ana

We’ll be talking about the differences between an freelancer, consultant, and entrepreneur. 9 times out of 10, they all mean the same thing. But in reality, its sometimes perceived as different things. We’ll chat about the main points that make someone a freelancer, consultant, entrepreneur, or a contractor.

FHS 19 Market Research and Building a Product ft. Patrick Selby

The quickest way to launching a successful product is to take the time to do some market research. Don’t go into a new adventure blindly with a “if I build it they will come” mentality. Get an idea of that ‘expensive problem’ that you can fix for future potential customers and clients. From there, you can pivot, revise, or evolve your product the resonate a LOT better. Actually working on a product and validating your idea by talking to experts, getting feedback, and learning what might work can teach you a lot about success.

FHS 18 Working Remote

Most people can literally begin working remote from anywhere in the world and nothing is stopping them. There are thousands of tools and setups you can have to work remotely. The benefits of working remote saves everyone money. You don’t have to worry about commuting into an office, you can work in your PJ’s, and the company that you’ll be working with can save some money as well, you have more control over your time, AND you can be much more focused! They don’t have to keep the A/C or heat on for you and they don’t have to have office space for you.