Freelance Head Start Episode 39 - Newsletters

FHS 39 Newsletter

Are mailing lists and newsletters important for your business? The short answer; yes! The long answer; you have a direct line to your potential customers, clients, and colleagues through a mailing list. A mailing list and newsletter a way to communicate to a direct set of people.

Lifestyle Blogging - Malika Bowling

FHS 38 Lifestyle Blogs ft Malika Bowling

A lifestyle blog is a blog where you write about what you are experiencing in your life. It can be very broad or focused on a single aspect of your life. Anyone can start a blog but few can make it a successful blog. Malika Bowling is one of those few people who have created a lifestyle blog focusing on food and travel. I chat with her on how she does it.

FHS 35 The Power of Mastermind Dinners ft Chef Jack

Mastermind Groups are a GREAT way to meet people, learn new skills, and better yourself. Its hard to go wrong with a Mastermind Group if you find one that fits your needs! Chef Jack takes it one step forward with creating an amazing meal experience with networking. His Mastermind Dinners Atlanta can be found throughout Atlanta!

FHS 33 Optimizing WordPress for SEO ft Bobby Kircher

SEO is that magical buzz word that you hear a lot of web development and design firms use. All it boils down to is how to get the right people to your site. No matter if you have an online brochure or a content rich eCommerce website, you’ll need some form of SEO. Bobby Kircher and I chat about the best practices to optimize your website traffic.

FHS 21 Figuring out the “WHAT”

For a lot of people, we get caught up on the “How” of a new business venture. In reality, the “what” is a lot harder to think about or figure out. We’ll get charged up with a new business idea, but then get discouraged by the details of how to execute. The ‘analysis paralysis’ effect comes out and shuts down out ideas or dreams.

We need to push through those doubts and realize that focusing on the “how’s” is the easier part. Getting your idea off the ground and past the “what” is the real challenge.

FHS 19 Market Research and Building a Product ft. Patrick Selby

The quickest way to launching a successful product is to take the time to do some market research. Don’t go into a new adventure blindly with a “if I build it they will come” mentality. Get an idea of that ‘expensive problem’ that you can fix for future potential customers and clients. From there, you can pivot, revise, or evolve your product the resonate a LOT better. Actually working on a product and validating your idea by talking to experts, getting feedback, and learning what might work can teach you a lot about success.