FHS 34 What Am I Reading

Never stop learning and reading as a professional. You’ll never know what you’re going to learn even if you think you already know everything. I make it a goal to read at least one self-help book every 6 months and it ain’t easy. So lets run down a list of a few books that have really stuck out to me that I think every entrepreneur or freelancer should read!

FHS 27 Gotchas of Freelancing and Consulting

I don’t want to talk about Freelancing and Consulting without talking about the gotchas of Freelancing and Consulting. Its not all rose colored glasses and sailing off into the sunset. Working for yourself takes a lot of hard work and dedication that some people may ignore. So if you’re reading tons of blog posts of the happy and fun and great sides of working for yourself, you may be overlooking the downside all together….

FHS 24 Minding Your Own Business ft Candace Schilling

We’re the experts but sometimes we need to look internally at our business or ourselves to make sure that we’re using our own talents. We sometimes forget that WE are the experts! Don’t forget to turn our own skills on ourselves. Candace Schilling and I chat about how we can ‘Mind our own business’ and take a look at our own business from the inside out.

FHS 17 Client Red Flags ft Lashia Levins

Red Flags from clients can sometimes creep in on you when you least expect it. Some red flags are obvious in-your-face problems that pop up right from the get-go. Getting clients is already a challenge in itself. Finding clients that pass the Red-Flag test is a whole nother level. Some red flags aren’t even valid, but keeping an eye out for these common ones can save you time and money.