Everyone has their own path when it comes to freelancing and entrepreneurship. Your path is going to be unique from mine and others. In this episode, I wanted to share my own journey with how I became a freelancer and entrepreneur.

Everyone has their own path when it comes to freelancing and entrepreneurship. Your path is going to be unique from mine and others. In this episode, I wanted to share my own journey with how I became a freelancer and entrepreneur.
Most people would argue that Moonlighting is the gateway to freelancing. When you moonlight, you are working as an independent agent to your primary day job. That day job is, right now, your bread winner. Moonlighting is a GREAT way to test the waters and see if working for yourself is right for you. Moonlighting is also a great way start building up your Rolodex of clients and get the momentum going.
Being fired is no fun and letting people go can also be difficult. But when it comes to letting clients go, you have to sometimes pull the plug. Dont ignore those red flags and keep those clients. Sometimes you’ve got to cut them loose yourself.
SEO is that magical buzz word that you hear a lot of web development and design firms use. All it boils down to is how to get the right people to your site. No matter if you have an online brochure or a content rich eCommerce website, you’ll need some form of SEO. Bobby Kircher and I chat about the best practices to optimize your website traffic.
Most people can literally begin working remote from anywhere in the world and nothing is stopping them. There are thousands of tools and setups you can have to work remotely. The benefits of working remote saves everyone money. You don’t have to worry about commuting into an office, you can work in your PJ’s, and the company that you’ll be working with can save some money as well, you have more control over your time, AND you can be much more focused! They don’t have to keep the A/C or heat on for you and they don’t have to have office space for you.
The further down the road you get in your career, the more chances that you’ll doubt your success or abilities. This happens more often when you believe good things happened because of luck, timing, or other factors outside of your control. Instead of embracing success and actually taking credit, we sometimes feel that we’ll be “found out” for a fraud. This is all summed up into one phrase: Impostor Syndrome! Don’t worry, you’re not alone and is more common than you think.
Getting yourself online should not be a challenge. There are many different options and paths to take based on you and your business. Its getting easier to reach people on a global scale with a website or portal, so let’s take advantage of it! We’re going to talk about the basics of getting yourself a website and tools to use to manage your online presence.