Everyone has their own path when it comes to freelancing and entrepreneurship. Your path is going to be unique from mine and others. In this episode, I wanted to share my own journey with how I became a freelancer and entrepreneur.

Everyone has their own path when it comes to freelancing and entrepreneurship. Your path is going to be unique from mine and others. In this episode, I wanted to share my own journey with how I became a freelancer and entrepreneur.
Are mailing lists and newsletters important for your business? The short answer; yes! The long answer; you have a direct line to your potential customers, clients, and colleagues through a mailing list. A mailing list and newsletter a way to communicate to a direct set of people.
Being fired is no fun and letting people go can also be difficult. But when it comes to letting clients go, you have to sometimes pull the plug. Dont ignore those red flags and keep those clients. Sometimes you’ve got to cut them loose yourself.
SEO is that magical buzz word that you hear a lot of web development and design firms use. All it boils down to is how to get the right people to your site. No matter if you have an online brochure or a content rich eCommerce website, you’ll need some form of SEO. Bobby Kircher and I chat about the best practices to optimize your website traffic.
Some people shy away from the word “contracts” because a lot of time it triggers that feeling of “being sued”. A contract, by definition, is a promise or set of promises that are legally enforceable and, if violated, allow the injured party access to legal remedies. In short, its an agreement between two or more people.
Win higher proposals with a Roadmapping Session. A Roadmapping Session focuses on what a home run looks like for your client, the expected outcomes, the different parts of the project, expected/wanted ROI, and helps identify potential obstacles that we may encounter. The session includes reviewing the business goals behind the project and helping to plan steps to reach these goals. You want to figure out where the client is now and find a path to where they want to be.
For a lot of people, we get caught up on the “How” of a new business venture. In reality, the “what” is a lot harder to think about or figure out. We’ll get charged up with a new business idea, but then get discouraged by the details of how to execute. The ‘analysis paralysis’ effect comes out and shuts down out ideas or dreams.
We need to push through those doubts and realize that focusing on the “how’s” is the easier part. Getting your idea off the ground and past the “what” is the real challenge.
We’ll be talking about the differences between an freelancer, consultant, and entrepreneur. 9 times out of 10, they all mean the same thing. But in reality, its sometimes perceived as different things. We’ll chat about the main points that make someone a freelancer, consultant, entrepreneur, or a contractor.
Red Flags from clients can sometimes creep in on you when you least expect it. Some red flags are obvious in-your-face problems that pop up right from the get-go. Getting clients is already a challenge in itself. Finding clients that pass the Red-Flag test is a whole nother level. Some red flags aren’t even valid, but keeping an eye out for these common ones can save you time and money.
Your business is how you’re going to be making your income. You’re going to want to protect your business, product/services, and yourself. Why and how to register yourself can be a long winded answer, but to summarize: registering your business will ensure personal liability protection, legal benefits, and tax benefits.